1.Rent a limo (after school sometime
before a football game is the best time to do this)
2. Have a sleepover (Don't forget the junk
food and guard videos)
3.Make up a dance to one
of the band's songs. (go to Songs we sing in Marching Band/Guard)
4.Make up a song to sing
during football games.
5.Make your own guard
t-shirt that has your names and inside jokes on it.
ribbons w/your class and name on it (school colors of course)
7.Get a song you all like
and do a routine to it and perform it during a talent show.
8.Go to Denny's at like
12-1 a.m. after a show/competion and practice only laugh so hard that your stomach hurts the next day along with everything
else in your body!
9.(With a winterguard) about 10 minutes before the show, find a dark corner or hallway, and sit
in a big circle holding hands with everyone. Have a cd player in the center of the circle. everybody should close their eyes,
and imagine the show in their heads while listening to the show music. this really does help to create a better bond with
the show.
10.We have secret pals. Each person writes down a list of their favorite things, put the list in a hat,
and then you draw someone else's list. You get them a small thing (usually under $5) before each performance that relates
to something on the list or your show theme. This helps you to get to know each other better. Reveal who your secret pal was
at your end of year party.
11. During the holidays and during the day after practice have a floor cleaning party and
play so music (it is really fun and you bond) then that night pick a resurant to go to and have dinner and a gift swap( anther
great bonding momment!! you really get to know alot about the other people in the guard) and you should have alot of fun even
invite the instructors!!!
12. Find a somewhat slow song and keep it as your guard song and sing it or listen to it
before every competition.
13. To get along better, keep an envelope on the guard room door and keep it for a place
where people can write down suggestions for the guard and some frustrations that you may have. Trust me, it works! Me and
my guard members not only get along better, but we don't get frustrated anymore.
14. This takes awhile, but it was
so vital. We had everyone say what upset them about everyone one the guard, not all at once but like one person, then each
person says their problems, then the next person etc. We knew it was serious and we were not trying to be hurtful so no one
was hurt.
15. Let the instuctor know what we were having
problems with so he came up with the idea of a cg journal, in the journal we write down what we did in practice and what we
had problems with, then we have to right how we worked on our problems over the week or till our next practice, and so far
it has worked cuz the instuctor collects them and reads them so he can help us.so try it out it could help your guard get
16.Adopt a mascot, dress it in your uniform, name it, take turns keeping it at home. Have the mascot travel
with you and attend all practices. Place ads in competition programs from the mascot, or to it. Send message grams to instructors
or guard from mascot, or to it. This is a very fun thing to hear when announcers say " To (guard's name), from (mascot), good
luck!!! Don't name it a normal name, because then people think its from another person and it takes all the fun from it.
17.Another message gram trick, send inside
jokes to the guard or other guard members, this is already done I know, but just in case.... no one knew to do that.
traditions work out really well. Keep them going, and add more to each season. It gives everyone something to look foward
to even in a not so great season. 19.Our guard has a bonding box that we use at long practices when we take lunch breaks.
We sit in a circle and one person pulls a question from the box, reads it and answers and then pass the question on to the
next person until it gets around the circle. Then the next person in the circle pulls a new question and it goes around again,
etc. The questions are just informational questions that tells about yourself. For example, "what is your favorite color?",
would be one of the questions and other simple questions like that. "what's your favorite movie?"
20.every time
before a show our guard gets pixi-stix and we all eat them at the same time. After we eat them we put the wrappers down our
uniforms, its a whole good luck charm. Then about half way into the season we found a trick that helped us stay calm and not
drop, if we all drop together before a show we learned that we are more confident about our tosses and we don't drop durring
our show!
21.You know the cones that mark "over the world"...well each member of the gaurd should get a stuffed
animal of some sort and decarate it and have all your friends sign it or what ever, put good luck charms on it. Now use those
stuffed animals as your cones. We had so much fun making then and they are our good luck charms that we can bring on the court
with us.
22.Play the knot game. get in a close circle with your amrs in the cirle, and grab a hand with each of yours,
and untangle your self. This works well when you are stressed, or need to get pupmed up. It also builds teamworking skills.