Way back in the day, during the English reign
around the Civil War period, they had pipers and drummers. These people always accompanied the soldiers to keep them in beat
and keep their spirits up. Well, along with the band, they always sent a soldier to carry their "colors". Here began the first
guardsmen. After time, the idea caught on and it began to develope. Soon every army had people to bare their colors. It eventually
evolved into what we have today through USA's military marching band. It was decided that that there was plenty of good music
to please the ear, but there was nothing really to please the eye. This is where we got our modern guard line. It started
from fierce battle cries and pride of ones colors, to show stoppin sensations that accompany marching bands every where. They
still serve many purposes, but the most useful purpose is to bare your colors with pride. That is colorguard!